There are many that truly love Me but are seldom seen. They are the ones that have given their lives to Me and are committed to Me as their highest priority. They fast and pray and grab hold of the horns of the alter and do not let go until the answer comes forth. They are My faithful ones, many are hidden and they are known to few people but they are known to Me and their reward in heaven will be great. They do not care about notoriety and they prefer anonymity. I reveal My secrets to them, many during the night watches when their vision is clear. They are paying the price by having answered the call and dying to self. These people, like Rees Howells, are the heroes of the faith. They do not quit when they are needed the most. They prevail and are victorious and help to change the world. Nothing stops them from their God ordained duty. They know that no devil from hell can stop God’s plan if they do their part by not quitting and not backing down. They knew that God’s faith through them will prevail. These people are the heroes of the faith. They see far beyond what is in front of them, their faith in God sustains them until the answer comes. They walk in radical obedience and they are world changers! The world desperately needs more people like this. What is God asking you to do?
So good Frank.
Thank you – the saints are contending with us for SURE!
We will prevail in their strength and that of the angelic hosts surrounding us.
God Bless you for your blogs!